1 min
59 sec
58 sec
CUP. CUP. Wey, jwb la cepat

.. penat I bertaranum niihh.
Oke-oke. tipu je.


AMARAN LEMBUT: jgn tiru macam aku ye.

1 thumb up utk awak.
hm, neway,
mood harini: sejuk cam hujan kt luar tuh.

untuk korang yg tengah
tensyen or

akceli aku nk cheer up ur day

dgn beberape lawak yang layan jugak bagi akuh.
MEHmeh sini rileks2.
enjoy ea.
SAM: Aku ada AIDS? mana ada.
DOL: Aku baca 1 dari 10 orang kat Negara ni ada aids. Aku dah tanya 9 orang, semua tak ada aids, kau orang ke 10, tak payah tanya, aku dah tahu.
Ape persamaan Michael Jordan ngan Michael Jackson?Dua-dua tak kenal korang. haha
Mother: Why did you get such a low mark on that test? Junior: Because of absence. Mother: You mean you were absent on the day of the test? Junior: No, but the kid who sits next to me was
Computer Is Shameless
B'coz, It Has Hardware Software But
haha. weird.

A Man Was Injected With A Deadly Poison,
It Did Not Kill Him.
Why ... ??
Think Harder
He Was Already Dead